Destiny DKP Server

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January 3, 2021
What DKP did I get credit for? (submitted by Karol at 11:08pm UTC)

DKP calculations are done in the same way they have been forever, but they appear a bit differently here compared to the spreadsheet.

DKP comes in two parts on the site from our DKP parsing tool:
1. The "On Time Bonus" and each boss kill give DKP when you are included in the raid which you can see under the Raids listing.
2. The time based DKP is added as an individual adjustment. You can see what was earned if you go to you main character page and look under "Individual Adjustment History". To find the character page, click on your name from Standings or almost anywhere on the site.

It's a bit harder to see the total for each raid on the site than it was on the spreadsheet but it's less error prone as the DKP log tool does all of the work!
November 16, 2020
Declared alts now listed (submitted by Karol at 03:11am UTC)

Please check that your declared alts are accurately reflected on the standings or member pages. You can post if there is an issue on the forums here: https://destinyguild.ddns.net/forum/ind ... date.2233/

Note that people who have not been at a recent raid may need to click show all in the bottom right of the standing page.
November 7, 2020
Using the Website (submitted by Karol at 03:48am UTC)

The Standings page is where you will be able to find your DKP balance. Note DKP totals have not been updated to accurately reflect the spreadsheet at this time. This would be done before we start using the site officially.

Raids are where you can see the most recent raid information, attendance, drops, and dkp spend.

Events allows you to browse the raid mobs and see the raids and dkp spend from them. This Item Stats page provides some of the same data but is meant more to explore all of the drops from various mobs. The stats may not be fully TAKP accurate but most are good.

Item Values / and Item History lets you see more information about item drops including who has purchased them, when, and for how much. Note we have more than 1000 item purchases tracked, but this does not represent all items, just ones we have good records for.

Stats provides some raid attendance information, although it's not really interesting yet since we don't have a lot of historic data.

Please post on the forums if you see any major issues. Thanks!