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Destiny: Meriadoc - TAKP Magelo Profile - PoP Flags
Earned: 122.50 Spent: 62.00 Adjustment: 162.72 Current: 223.22
Last 30 Days: 0% of raids Last 60 Days: 47% of raids Last 90 Days: 31% of raids Lifetime (03/08/24 - 08/25/24): 34% of raids

Declared Alts
Samuel (Cleric) - Magelo - Flags Iarwain (Bard) - Magelo - Flags Olorien (Wizard) - Magelo - Flags

Raid Attendance History
Date Name Note Earned Current
08/25/24 Raid Completion RD+PoWater RC 1.00 122.50
08/25/24 Krziik the Mighty Krzik 0.50 121.50
08/25/24 Hydrotha Hydrotha 0.50 121.00
08/25/24 Rydda`Dar RD 1.00 120.50
08/25/24 On Time AD+PoWater OT 1.00 119.50
08/20/24 Raid Completion PoWater RC (12:15 ast) 1.00 118.50
08/20/24 Krziik the Mighty Krzik 0.50 117.50
08/20/24 Hydrotha Hydrotha 0.50 117.00
08/20/24 Grioihin the Wise Grioihin 0.50 116.50
08/20/24 On Time PoWater OT 1.00 116.00
08/18/24 Raid Completion Ssra RC 1.00 115.00
08/18/24 Arch Lich Rhag`Zadune Arch Lich 1.00 114.00
08/18/24 Rhag`Mozdezh Rhag2 0.50 113.00
08/18/24 Emperor Ssraeshza Emperor 1.00 112.50
08/18/24 Blood of Ssraeshza Blood 1.00 111.50
08/18/24 On Time Ssra OT 1.00 110.50
08/15/24 Vyzh`dra the Cursed Vyzh`Dra the Cursed 0.50 109.50
08/15/24 Vyzh`dra the Exiled Vyzh`Dra the Exiled 0.50 109.00
08/15/24 a glyph covered serpent glyph covered serpent 0.00 108.50
08/15/24 On-Time On Time 1.00 108.50
08/12/24 Aten Ha Ra Aten Ha Ra + raid completion 1.50 107.50
08/12/24 Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 2 0.50 106.00
08/12/24 Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 1 0.50 105.50
08/12/24 Va Xi Aten Ha Ra Va Xi Aten Ha Ra 0.50 105.00
08/12/24 Thall Xundraux Diabo Thall Xundraux Diabo 0.50 104.50
08/12/24 Diabo Xi Va On Time + DXV 1.50 104.00
08/08/24 Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek Blob 1 0.50 102.50
08/08/24 On Time VT OT 1.00 102.00
07/28/24 Terris Thule Terris Thule 2.00 101.00
07/21/24 Raid Completion Kael/PoEarth RC 1.00 99.00
07/21/24 Peregrin Rockskull Peregrin Rockskull 2.00 98.00
07/21/24 The Statue of Rallos Zek Statue 0.50 96.00
07/21/24 King Tormax KT 1.00 95.50
07/21/24 On Time Kael/PoEarth OT 1.00 94.50
07/14/24 Raid Completion Fennin RC 1.00 93.50
07/14/24 Fennin Ro the Tyrant of Fire Tyrant 1.00 92.50
07/14/24 Warlord Prollaz Prollaz 0.25 91.50
07/14/24 Omni Magus Crato Crato 0.25 91.25
07/14/24 Chancellor Kirtra Kirtra 0.25 91.00
07/14/24 Chancellor Traxom Trax 0.25 90.75
07/14/24 Reaxnous the Chaoslord Raex 0.25 90.50
07/14/24 Javonn the Overlord Javonn 0.25 90.25
07/14/24 Azobian the Darklord Azobian 0.25 90.00
07/14/24 Hebabbilys the Ragelord Billy 0.25 89.75
07/14/24 On Time Fennin OT 1.00 89.50
06/16/24 Raid Completion Bonus 14:18: Raid Completion Bonus 1.00 88.50
06/16/24 Aten Ha Ra 14:06: Aten Ha Ra 0.50 87.50
06/16/24 Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 13:29: Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 0.50 87.00
06/16/24 Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 13:01: Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 0.50 86.50
06/16/24 Va Xi Aten Ha Ra 12:21: Va Xi Aten Ha Ra 0.50 86.00
06/16/24 Diabo Xi Va Temariel 11:48: Diabo Xi Va Temariel 0.50 85.50
06/07/24 Raid Completion VT RC 1.00 85.00
06/07/24 Diabo Xi Xin DXX 0.50 84.00
06/06/24 Thall Va Kelun TVK 0.50 83.50
06/06/24 Diabo Xi Xin Thall DXXT 0.50 83.00
06/06/24 Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek KTXAD 0.50 82.50
06/06/24 On Time VT OT 1.00 82.00
05/30/24 Raid Completion Kael Completion 1.00 81.00
05/30/24 The Avatar of War AoW 2 1.00 80.00
05/30/24 The Idol of Rallos Zek Idol 2 0.50 79.00
05/30/24 The Statue of Rallos Zek Statue 0.50 78.50
05/30/24 The Avatar of War AoW 1 1.00 78.00
05/30/24 The Idol of Rallos Zek Idol 1 0.50 77.00
05/30/24 On Time Kael On Time 1.00 76.50
05/28/24 Raid Completion PoEarth Completion 1.00 75.50
05/28/24 Peregrin Rockskull Stoney Baloney 2.00 74.50
05/28/24 On Time PoEarth On Time 1.00 72.50
05/25/24 Peregrin Rockskull Peregrin Rockskull 2.00 71.50
05/25/24 On Time On Time 1.00 69.50
05/24/24 Raid Completion Time -> Earth raid end 1.00 68.50
05/23/24 On Time PoTime pivot to PoEarth 1.00 67.50
05/18/24 Raid Completion Bonus 22:34: Raid Completion Bonus 1.00 66.50
05/18/24 Babnoxis the Spider Queen 22:27: Babnoxis the Spider Queen 0.50 65.50
05/18/24 Pyronis 22:12: Pyronis 0.50 65.00
05/18/24 General Druav Flamesinger 21:57: General Druav Flamesinger 0.50 64.50
05/18/24 Criare Sunmane 21:48: Criare Sunmane 0.50 64.00
05/18/24 Jaxoliz Dawneyes 21:35: Jaxoliz Dawneyes 0.50 63.50
05/16/24 Raid Completion Agnarr End 1.00 63.00
05/16/24 On-Time Bonus Agnarr On Time 1.00 62.00
05/11/24 Raid Completion Bonus 20:15: Raid Completion Bonus 1.00 61.00
05/11/24 Babnoxis the Spider Queen 20:10: Babnoxis the Spider Queen 0.50 60.00
05/10/24 Magmaton 18:55: Magmaton 0.50 59.50
05/10/24 Blazzax the Omnifiend 18:33: Blazzax the Omnifiend 0.50 59.00
05/10/24 Pyronis 18:12: Pyronis 0.50 58.50
05/10/24 Quavonis Firetail 17:55: Quavonis Firetail 0.50 58.00
05/10/24 Criare Sunmane 17:28: Criare Sunmane 0.50 57.50
05/10/24 Jaxoliz Dawneyes 17:19: Jaxoliz Dawneyes 0.50 57.00
05/10/24 On-Time Bonus 17:05: On-Time Bonus 1.00 56.50
04/27/24 Raid Completion Bonus VT 1.00 55.50
04/27/24 Diabo Xi Va Temariel VT 0.50 54.50
04/27/24 Va Xi Aten Ha Ra VT 0.50 54.00
04/27/24 Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra VT 0.50 53.50
04/27/24 Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra VT 0.50 53.00
04/27/24 Aten Ha Ra VT 0.50 52.50
04/25/24 Diabo Xi Xin DXX + Raid Completion 1.50 52.00
04/25/24 Thall Va Kelun TVK 0.50 50.50
04/25/24 Diabo Xi Xin Thall DXXT 0.50 50.00
04/25/24 Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek On Time + Blob 1 1.50 49.50
04/22/24 King Tormax 18:06: King Tormax 0.00 48.00
04/22/24 Raid Completion Bonus 17:36: Raid Completion Bonus 1.00 48.00
... found 146 attended raid(s) / 100 per page

Item Purchase History
Date Name Raid Spent Current
08/25/24 Elemental Silk Sleeve Pattern Hydrotha 5.00 62.00
08/12/24 Thorny Chain Helm Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 0.00 57.00
08/12/24 Grimoire of Enchantment Diabo Xi Va 5.00 57.00
06/16/24 Mask of Secrets Aten Ha Ra 7.00 52.00
05/10/24 Cloak of Combustion Quavonis Firetail 13.00 45.00
05/10/24 Shimmering Sleeves of Flame Criare Sunmane 9.00 32.00
04/27/24 Wand of Everlasting Water Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 5.00 23.00
04/27/24 Orb of Satisfaction Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 13.00 18.00
04/25/24 Amulet of Xuzl Diabo Xi Xin 5.00 5.00
... found 9 purchased item(s) / 100 per page

Individual Adjustment History
Date Reason Adjustment
08/25/24 RD+PoWater Time Adjustment 2.70
08/20/24 PoWater Time Adjustment 2.70
08/18/24 Ssra Time Adjustment 3.00
08/15/24 SSRA - 90 minutes 1.80
08/12/24 VT - 162 minutes 3.24
07/28/24 TT+PoI Time Adjustment 1.80
07/21/24 Kael/PoEarth Time Adjustment 3.00
07/14/24 Fennin Ro Time Adjustment 3.30
06/16/24 Vex Thal - 149 minutes 3.00
06/06/24 VT Time Adjustment 3.60
05/30/24 Kael Time Adjustment 1.80
05/28/24 PoEarth Time Adjustment 1.80
05/25/24 25/5 Time Adjustment 1.50
05/23/24 PoEa Time Adjustment 2.70
05/18/24 EverQuest - 60 minutes 1.20
05/16/24 Agnarr Time Adjustment 3.00
05/10/24 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 190 minutes 3.78
04/27/24 VT Time Adjustment 3.00
04/25/24 Vex Thal 4/25/24 - 200 minutes 4.00
04/22/24 On-Time Bonus - 110 minutes 2.20
04/21/24 Ssraeshza Temple - 133 minutes 2.66
04/19/24 Ssraeshza Temple - 7 minutes 0.14
04/02/24 Plane of Time - 89 minutes 1.78
03/29/24 Solusek Ro's Tower - 138 minutes 2.76
03/27/24 Plane of Tranquility - 7 minutes 0.16
03/24/24 Tower of Sol Ro Adjust 3.00
03/23/24 Plane of Tactics - 97 minutes 1.94
03/21/24 Plane of Time - 81 minutes 1.64
03/17/24 PoTime Adjustment 4.00
03/15/24 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 24 minutes 0.48
03/09/24 Sol Ro Time Adjustment 4.20
03/07/24 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 142 minutes 2.84
... found 32 individual adjustment(s)

Attendance by Event
Event Percent