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Destiny: Muver - TAKP Magelo Profile - PoP Flags
Earned: 29.50 Spent: 0.00 Adjustment: 18.32 Current: 47.82
Last 30 Days: 0% of raids Last 60 Days: 30% of raids Last 90 Days: 15% of raids Lifetime (06/04/24 - 08/25/24): 17% of raids

Declared Alts
Hunnah (Druid) - Magelo - Flags

Raid Attendance History
Date Name Note Earned Current
08/25/24 Rydda`Dar RD 1.00 29.50
08/25/24 On Time AD+PoWater OT 1.00 28.50
08/24/24 Raid Completion Bonus HoH RC 1.00 27.50
08/24/24 Alekson Garn Alekson Garn 1.00 26.50
08/24/24 Rhaliq Trell Rhaliq Trell 1.00 25.50
08/24/24 Rydda`Dar RD fail 0.50 24.50
08/24/24 On Time HoH OT 1.00 24.00
08/22/24 Vyzh`dra the Cursed Cursed 0.50 23.00
08/22/24 Vyzh`dra the Exiled Exiled 0.50 22.50
08/22/24 a glyph covered serpent A Glyph Covered Serpent 0.00 22.00
08/22/24 Aerin`Dar Aerin' Dar 1.00 22.00
08/22/24 On Time AD+Ssra OT 1.00 21.00
08/20/24 Raid Completion PoWater RC (12:15 ast) 1.00 20.00
08/20/24 Krziik the Mighty Krzik 0.50 19.00
08/20/24 Hydrotha Hydrotha 0.50 18.50
08/20/24 Grioihin the Wise Grioihin 0.50 18.00
08/20/24 On Time PoWater OT 1.00 17.50
08/13/24 Grummus On Time + Grummus 2.00 16.50
08/06/24 Manaetic Behemoth MB 2.00 14.50
08/06/24 On Time MB+VT OT 1.00 12.50
07/09/24 Lord Inquisitor Seru LIS 1.00 11.50
07/09/24 On Time Seru OT 1.00 10.50
06/28/24 Rhag`Zhezum Rhag 1 + Raid Completion 1.00 9.50
06/27/24 Rhag`Mozdezh Rhag 2 0.50 8.50
06/27/24 Arch Lich Rhag`Zadune AL 0.50 8.00
06/27/24 Vyzh`dra the Cursed Vyzh`Dra the Cursed 0.50 7.50
06/27/24 Vyzh`dra the Exiled Vyzh`Dra the Exiled 0.50 7.00
06/27/24 a glyph covered serpent a glyph covered serpent 0.50 6.50
06/20/24 Raid Completion Ssra RC 1.00 6.00
06/20/24 Vyzh`dra the Cursed Cursed 0.50 5.00
06/20/24 Vyzh`dra the Exiled Exiled 0.50 4.50
06/20/24 a glyph covered serpent A Glyph Covered Serpent 0.00 4.00
06/20/24 On Time Ssra OT 1.00 4.00
06/05/24 Raid Completion Raid Completion 1.00 3.00
06/05/24 The Avatar of War AoW 1.00 2.00
06/04/24 The Idol of Rallos Zek Idol 0.50 1.00
06/04/24 The Statue of Rallos Zek Statue 0.50 0.50
... found 37 attended raid(s) / 100 per page

Item Purchase History
Date Name Raid Spent Current
... found 0 purchased item(s) / 100 per page

Individual Adjustment History
Date Reason Adjustment
08/25/24 RD+PoWater Time Adjustment 1.00
08/24/24 HoH Time Adjustment 3.00
08/22/24 Pov 2.40
08/20/24 PoWater Time Adjustment 2.70
08/13/24 PoDisease - 30 minutes 0.60
08/06/24 MB+VT Time Adjustment 1.20
07/09/24 Seru Time Adjustment 0.90
06/28/24 SSRA - 191 minutes 3.82
06/20/24 Ssra Time Adjustment 1.50
06/04/24 04•06 Time Adjustment 1.20
... found 10 individual adjustment(s)

Attendance by Event
Event Percent