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Destiny: Tuluvien - TAKP Magelo Profile - PoP Flags
Earned: 1622.68 Spent: 2409.18 Adjustment: 1061.02 Current: 274.52
Last 30 Days: 0% of raids Last 60 Days: 100% of raids Last 90 Days: 82% of raids Lifetime (01/24/22 - 08/28/24): 71% of raids

Declared Alts
Aether (Shaman) - Magelo - Flags Alasdair (Cleric) - Magelo - Flags Salvo (Wizard) - Magelo - Flags

Raid Attendance History
Date Name Note Earned Current
08/28/24 Raid Completion Bonus Ssra RC 1.00 1622.68
08/28/24 Arch Lich Rhag`Zadune AL 1.00 1621.68
08/28/24 Rhag`Mozdezh Rhag 2 0.50 1620.68
08/27/24 Emperor Ssraeshza Emperor 1.00 1620.18
08/27/24 Blood of Ssraeshza Blood 1.00 1619.18
08/27/24 On Time Ssra OT 1.00 1618.18
08/25/24 Raid Completion RD+PoWater RC 1.00 1617.18
08/25/24 Krziik the Mighty Krzik 0.50 1616.18
08/25/24 Hydrotha Hydrotha 0.50 1615.68
08/25/24 Rydda`Dar RD 1.00 1615.18
08/25/24 On Time AD+PoWater OT 1.00 1614.18
08/24/24 Raid Completion Bonus HoH RC 1.00 1613.18
08/24/24 Alekson Garn Alekson Garn 1.00 1612.18
08/24/24 Rhaliq Trell Rhaliq Trell 1.00 1611.18
08/24/24 Rydda`Dar RD fail 0.50 1610.18
08/24/24 On Time HoH OT 1.00 1609.68
08/23/24 Raid Completion AD+Ssra RC 1.00 1608.68
08/23/24 Xerkizh The Creator XTC 1.00 1607.68
08/23/24 Rhag`Zhezum Rhag1 0.00 1606.68
08/22/24 Vyzh`dra the Cursed Cursed 0.50 1606.68
08/22/24 Vyzh`dra the Exiled Exiled 0.50 1606.18
08/22/24 a glyph covered serpent A Glyph Covered Serpent 0.00 1605.68
08/22/24 Aerin`Dar Aerin' Dar 1.00 1605.68
08/22/24 On Time AD+Ssra OT 1.00 1604.68
08/20/24 Raid Completion PoWater RC (12:15 ast) 1.00 1603.68
08/20/24 Krziik the Mighty Krzik 0.50 1602.68
08/20/24 Hydrotha Hydrotha 0.50 1602.18
08/20/24 Grioihin the Wise Grioihin 0.50 1601.68
08/20/24 On Time PoWater OT 1.00 1601.18
08/18/24 Raid Completion Ssra RC 1.00 1600.18
08/18/24 Arch Lich Rhag`Zadune Arch Lich 1.00 1599.18
08/18/24 Rhag`Mozdezh Rhag2 0.50 1598.18
08/18/24 Emperor Ssraeshza Emperor 1.00 1597.68
08/18/24 Blood of Ssraeshza Blood 1.00 1596.68
08/18/24 On Time Ssra OT 1.00 1595.68
08/08/24 Raid Completion VT RC 1.00 1594.68
08/08/24 Diabo Xi Xin DXX 0.50 1593.68
08/08/24 Thall Va Kelun TVK 0.50 1593.18
08/08/24 Diabo Xi Xin Thall DXXT 0.50 1592.68
08/08/24 Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek Blob 1 0.50 1592.18
08/08/24 On Time VT OT 1.00 1591.68
08/06/24 Diabo Xi Va Temariel DXVT 0.50 1590.68
08/06/24 Raid Completion MB+VT RC 1.00 1590.18
08/06/24 Manaetic Behemoth MB 2.00 1589.18
08/06/24 On Time MB+VT OT 1.00 1587.18
08/04/24 Raid Completion VT RC 1.00 1586.18
08/04/24 Aten Ha Ra AHR 0.50 1585.18
08/04/24 Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra KTXAHR(Set) 0.50 1584.68
08/04/24 Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra KTXAHR(Dat) 0.50 1584.18
08/04/24 Va Xi Aten Ha Ra VXAHR 0.50 1583.68
08/04/24 Thall Xundraux Diabo TXD 0.50 1583.18
08/04/24 Diabo Xi Va DXV 0.50 1582.68
08/04/24 On Time VT OT 1.00 1582.18
08/02/24 Raid Completion VT RC 1.00 1581.18
08/02/24 Diabo Xi Xin DXX 0.50 1580.18
08/01/24 Thall Va Kelun TVK 0.50 1579.68
08/01/24 Diabo Xi Xin Thall DXXT 0.50 1579.18
08/01/24 Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek KTXAD 0.50 1578.68
08/01/24 On Time VT OT 1.00 1578.18
07/31/24 Raid Completion Kael/PoEarth RC 1.00 1577.18
07/31/24 Peregrin Rockskull Peregrin Rockskull 2.00 1576.18
07/30/24 The Avatar of War Avatar 1.00 1574.18
07/30/24 The Statue of Rallos Zek Statue 0.50 1573.18
07/30/24 The Idol of Rallos Zek Idol 0.50 1572.68
07/30/24 Derakor the Vindicator Vindication 0.00 1572.18
07/30/24 King Tormax King Tormax 1.00 1572.18
07/30/24 On Time Kael/PoEarth OT 1.00 1571.18
07/28/24 Raid Completion TT+PoI RC 1.00 1570.18
07/28/24 Xanamech Nezmirthafen Xanamech 0.25 1569.18
07/28/24 Terris Thule Terris Thule 2.00 1568.93
07/28/24 On Time TT+PoI OT 1.00 1566.93
07/26/24 Raid Completion PoEarth RC 1.00 1565.93
07/26/24 Peregrin Rockskull Peregrin Rockskull 2.00 1564.93
07/25/24 Derugoak Bloodwalker Vine ring attempt 1.00 1562.93
07/25/24 On Time PoEarth OT 1.00 1561.93
07/23/24 Raid Completion Kael/PoEarth RC (24:30) 1.00 1560.93
07/23/24 A Monsterous Mudwalker A Monsterous Mudwalker 2.00 1559.93
07/23/24 The Avatar of War The Avatar of War 1.00 1557.93
07/23/24 On Time Kael/PoEarth OT 1.00 1556.93
07/21/24 Raid Completion Kael/PoEarth RC 1.00 1555.93
07/21/24 Peregrin Rockskull Peregrin Rockskull 2.00 1554.93
07/21/24 The Statue of Rallos Zek Statue 0.50 1552.93
07/21/24 King Tormax KT 1.00 1552.43
07/21/24 On Time Kael/PoEarth OT 1.00 1551.43
07/18/24 Raid Completion PoEarth RC 1.00 1550.43
07/18/24 Peregrin Rockskull Peregrin Rockskull 2.00 1549.43
07/18/24 On Time PoEarth OT 1.00 1547.43
07/16/24 Raid Completion PoFire RC 1.00 1546.43
07/16/24 Quavonis Firetail Quavonis 0.50 1545.43
07/16/24 Arch Mage Yozanni Yozanni 0.50 1544.93
07/16/24 General Reparm Reparm 0.50 1544.43
07/16/24 Blazzax the Omnifiend Blazzax 0.50 1543.93
07/16/24 Babnoxis the Spider Queen Babnoxis 0.50 1543.43
07/16/24 Magmaton Magmaton 0.50 1542.93
07/16/24 Pyronis Pyronis 0.50 1542.43
07/16/24 Criare Sunmane Criare Sunmane 0.50 1541.93
07/16/24 Jaxoliz Dawneyes Jaxoliz Dawneyes 0.50 1541.43
07/16/24 On Time PoFire OT 1.00 1540.93
07/14/24 Raid Completion Fennin RC 1.00 1539.93
07/14/24 Fennin Ro the Tyrant of Fire Tyrant 1.00 1538.93
... found 1862 attended raid(s) / 100 per page

Item Purchase History
Date Name Raid Spent Current
08/28/24 Spell: Remove Greater Curse Arch Lich Rhag`Zadune 22.00 2409.18
08/23/24 Khashek's Katar Rhag`Zhezum 5.00 2387.18
08/18/24 The Sword of Ssraeshza Emperor Ssraeshza 45.00 2382.18
07/31/24 Girdle of Earthen Stability Peregrin Rockskull 5.00 2337.18
07/30/24 Blade of Carnage The Avatar of War 5.00 2332.18
07/09/24 Brown Silken Bridle Praesertum Rhugol 12.00 2327.18
06/19/24 Breastplate of Speed Thall Xundraux Diabo 5.00 2315.18
06/13/24 Stein of Falling Tears Diabo Xi Xin 11.00 2310.18
06/03/24 Girdle of Earthen Stability Peregrin Rockskull 12.00 2299.18
05/30/24 Flayed Barbarian Hide Mask The Avatar of War 12.00 2287.18
05/25/24 Velium Encrusted Gauntlets King Tormax 5.00 2275.18
05/11/24 Mask of the Insightful Babnoxis the Spider Queen 8.00 2270.18
05/07/24 Robe of Secrets Aten Ha Ra 58.00 2262.18
05/07/24 Shadow Pearl Earring Thall Xundraux Diabo 13.00 2204.18
05/07/24 Wand of Turning Diabo Xi Va 6.00 2191.18
05/06/24 Lightbringers Earring Diabo Xi Va Temariel 13.00 2185.18
05/06/24 Pendant of Malosini Diabo Xi Xin 5.00 2172.18
05/06/24 Floating Rune Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek 9.00 2167.18
04/22/24 Boots of the Storm King Tormax 8.00 2158.18
04/22/24 Blindfoe Arch Lich Rhag`Zadune 5.00 2150.18
04/19/24 Mindpuncture Raid Completion Bonus 5.00 2145.18
04/04/24 Elemental Chain Pant Pattern Shadow of the Squad Leader 64.00 2140.18
04/04/24 Necklace of Celestial Energy Shadow of Sinrunal 13.00 2076.18
04/02/24 Elemental Chain Pant Pattern Undead Squad Leader 36.00 2063.18
04/02/24 Hoop of the Enlightened Gutripping War Beast 21.00 2027.18
03/29/24 Ornate Chain Tunic Pattern Arlyxir 15.00 2006.18
03/29/24 Ornate Boot Mold a torrid elemental 7.00 1991.18
03/19/24 Gloves of the Unseen Saryrn 5.00 1984.18
03/17/24 Earring of Xaoth Kor Plane of Time 19.00 1979.18
03/10/24 Lance of the Flame Knight Xuzl 5.00 1960.18
03/06/24 Staff of Primordial Ooze On Time Bonus 5.00 1955.18
03/06/24 Staff of Agonizing Battle On Time Bonus 5.00 1950.18
02/20/24 Black Ornate Chain Bridle Lord Inquisitor Seru 12.00 1945.18
02/19/24 Leggings of Secrets Aten Ha Ra 76.00 1933.18
02/17/24 Boots of the Vindicator Derakor the Vindicator 8.00 1857.18
02/17/24 Crown of the Kromzek Kings King Tormax 8.00 1849.18
02/16/24 Leggings of Fiery Might Thall Va Kelun 14.00 1841.18
02/16/24 Belt of Dark Thought Diabo Xi Xin Thall 25.00 1827.18
02/10/24 Scorched Silver Pauldrons Vyzh`dra the Exiled 0.00 1802.18
02/10/24 Gleaming Serpet Tooth Choker Vyzh`dra the Exiled 6.00 1802.18
10/20/23 Tiny Jade Ring Time P2 18.00 1796.18
09/25/23 Elemental Silk Turban Pattern War Chieftan Galronar 18.00 1778.18
09/22/23 Time Traveler's Abandoned Notebook Time P3 16.00 1760.18
09/22/23 Shield of the Vortex Time P2 31.00 1744.18
09/22/23 Drape of the Unending Time P2 16.00 1713.18
09/22/23 Girdle of Restoration Time P2 16.00 1697.18
09/18/23 Hammer of the Sun a glyph covered serpent 5.00 1681.18
08/21/23 Bone Sliver Ornament A Monsterous Mudwalker 5.00 1676.18
08/08/23 Elemental Bracer Mold Babnoxis the Spider Queen 9.00 1671.18
08/08/23 Elemental Silk Bracelet Pattern Magmaton 8.00 1662.18
08/08/23 Shining Crimson Shawl Criare Sunmane 6.00 1654.18
08/02/23 Ring of Immobilization Diabo Xi Va 9.00 1648.18
08/02/23 Crown of Energy Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 8.00 1639.18
08/01/23 Cudgel of Wrecking On Time Bonus 51.00 1631.18
07/31/23 Dark Mace of Thought Diabo Xi Xin Thall 9.00 1580.18
07/26/23 Innovators Ring On Time Bonus 9.00 1571.18
07/24/23 Velium Encrusted Gauntlets King Tormax 9.00 1562.18
07/22/23 Belt of Mastery Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 8.00 1553.18
07/21/23 Staff of Lost Rituals Diabo Xi Va 17.00 1545.18
07/15/23 Black Runed Pants Vyzh`dra the Cursed 14.00 1528.18
07/10/23 Gauntlets of the Burning Prince Solusek Ro 5.00 1514.18
06/23/23 Elemental Silk Sleeve Pattern Hydrotha 6.00 1509.18
06/07/23 Elemental Silk Boot Pattern Blazzax the Omnifiend 15.00 1503.18
06/03/23 Lava Forged Face Guard General Druav Flamesinger 6.00 1488.18
06/03/23 Shining Crimson Shawl Criare Sunmane 16.00 1482.18
05/26/23 Elemental Silk Glove Pattern Babnoxis the Spider Queen 18.00 1466.18
05/26/23 Elemental Chain Boot Pattern Magmaton 18.00 1448.18
05/22/23 Shard of Hsagra's Talisman The Statue of Rallos Zek 0.00 1430.18
05/08/23 Spiked Shoulderpads Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 21.00 1430.18
05/08/23 Wand of Everlasting Water Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra 11.00 1409.18
04/29/23 Karn's Armplates of Retaliation Va Xi Aten Ha Ra 20.00 1398.18
04/28/23 Umbracite Swarm Orb Diabo Xi Va Temariel 35.00 1378.18
04/22/23 Braided Strands of Corrupted Mana a glyph covered serpent 0.00 1343.18
04/15/23 Blade of Angles Xerkizh The Creator 0.00 1343.18
04/15/23 Singed Petrified Leaf Xerkizh The Creator 6.00 1343.18
04/15/23 Velvet Slippers of Harmony Emperor Ssraeshza 18.00 1337.18
04/07/23 Moss Encrusted Band Hydrotha 68.00 1319.18
04/05/23 Ivory Etched Aegis Rydda`Dar 7.00 1251.18
03/30/23 Elemental Chain Coif Pattern War Chieftan Awisano 17.00 1244.18
03/15/23 Blackflame Sphere Pyronis 21.00 1227.18
03/10/23 Shining Crimson Shawl Criare Sunmane 18.00 1206.18
03/01/23 Fang of Flame Criare Sunmane 36.00 1188.18
02/20/23 Furious Hammer of Zek Vallon Zek 7.00 1152.18
02/10/23 Tiny Bone Bracelet Diabo Xi Xin 16.00 1145.18
02/10/23 Shadow Tendril Diabo Xi Xin Thall 6.00 1129.18
02/01/23 Darkened Claw Amulet Kaas Thox Xi Ans Dyek 6.00 1123.18
01/27/23 Elemental Chain Sleeve Pattern Warlord Gintolaken 24.00 1117.18
01/27/23 Elemental Chain Glove Pattern War Chieftan Birak 21.00 1093.18
01/20/23 Ivory Crystal Greaves High Priest of Ssraeshza 23.00 1072.18
01/20/23 Willful Dirk of Domination Xerkizh The Creator 12.00 1049.18
01/18/23 Elemental Chain Bracelet Pattern Krziik the Mighty 17.00 1037.18
01/14/23 Blade of Carnage The Avatar of War 8.00 1020.18
01/14/23 Ring of Lightning King Tormax 5.00 1012.18
01/05/23 Chestplate of Vindication King Tormax 6.00 1007.18
12/28/22 Clay Bracers of the Golem Peregrin Rockskull 27.00 1001.18
12/15/22 Elemental Chain Coif Pattern General Reparm 19.00 974.18
12/15/22 Cape of Flames Blazzax the Omnifiend 15.00 955.18
12/08/22 Elemental Chain Bracelet Pattern Blazzax the Omnifiend 15.00 940.18
11/30/22 Ornate Silk Robe Pattern Arlyxir 27.00 925.18
11/16/22 Miserable Bauble Saryrn 15.00 898.18
... found 169 purchased item(s) / 100 per page

Individual Adjustment History
Date Reason Adjustment
08/27/24 Ssra Time Adjustment 3.60
08/25/24 RD+PoWater Time Adjustment 2.70
08/24/24 HoH Time Adjustment 3.00
08/22/24 PoV/Ssra Time Adjustment 3.30
08/20/24 PoWater Time Adjustment 2.70
08/18/24 Ssra Time Adjustment 3.00
08/08/24 VT Time Adjustment 4.20
08/06/24 MB+VT Time Adjustment 3.30
08/04/24 VT Time Adjustment 3.30
08/01/24 VT Time Adjustment 3.00
07/30/24 Kael/PoEarth Time Adjustment 3.90
07/28/24 TT+PoI Time Adjustment 3.30
07/25/24 PoEarth Time Adjustment 4.30
07/23/24 Kael/PoEarth Time Adjustment 3.00
07/21/24 Kael/PoEarth Time Adjustment 3.00
07/18/24 PoEarth Time Adjustment 2.40
07/16/24 PoFire Time Adjustment 3.60
07/14/24 Fennin Ro Time Adjustment 3.30
07/11/24 PoFire Time Adjustment 3.00
07/09/24 Seru Time Adjustment 2.40
07/07/24 PoFire Time Adjustment 3.60
07/04/24 PoFire Time Adjustment 3.00
07/02/24 Ssra Time Adjustment 2.40
06/30/24 Ssra Time Adjuetment 3.00
06/26/24 On-Time Bonus - 92 minutes 1.82
06/20/24 Ssra Time Adjustment 1.50
06/19/24 On-Time Bonus - 73 minutes 1.46
06/13/24 VT Time Adjustment 3.00
06/11/24 AR/VT Time Adjustment 3.00
06/08/24 VT Time Adjustment 3.30
06/06/24 VT Time Adjustment 3.60
06/04/24 04•06 Time Adjustment 3.00
06/03/24 On-Time Bonus - 80 minutes 1.60
06/03/24 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 213 minutes 4.26
06/02/24 Kael Drakkal - 82 minutes 1.64
05/30/24 Kael Time Adjustment 1.80
05/28/24 PoEarth Time Adjustment 1.80
05/25/24 25/5 Time Adjustment 3.00
05/23/24 PoEa Time Adjustment 2.70
05/21/24 VZ Time Adjustme t 2.40
05/16/24 Agnarr Time Adjustment 3.00
05/15/24 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 147 minutes 2.94
05/11/24 Carprin Time Adjustment 1.60
05/10/24 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 190 minutes 3.78
05/07/24 Vex Thal - 166 minutes 3.34
05/06/24 On-Time Bonus - 180 minutes 3.60
05/05/24 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 114 minutes 2.28
04/30/24 Plane of Time - 171 minutes 3.42
04/29/24 VT Time Adjustment 1.50
04/27/24 VT Time Adjustment 3.00
04/24/24 Mixed Bag Adjustment 1.00
04/22/24 On-Time Bonus - 110 minutes 2.20
04/21/24 Ssraeshza Temple - 133 minutes 2.66
04/19/24 Ssraeshza Temple - 137 minutes 2.76
04/16/24 Kael/Ssra Time Adjustment 2.10
04/15/24 Plane of Time - 81 minutes 1.64
04/11/24 Ssra Time Adjustment 3.30
04/10/24 Reef of Coirnav - 107 minutes 2.16
04/08/24 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 138 minutes 2.76
04/07/24 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 149 minutes 2.98
04/05/24 Reef of Coirnav - 72 minutes 1.46
04/04/24 P1 completion - 210 minutes 4.20
04/02/24 Plane of Time - 208 minutes 4.18
03/29/24 Solusek Ro's Tower - 138 minutes 2.76
03/27/24 Plane of Tranquility - 86 minutes 1.74
03/24/24 Tower of Sol Ro Adjust 3.00
03/21/24 Plane of Time - 176 minutes 3.54
03/19/24 Plane of Time - 177 minutes 3.56
03/17/24 PoTime Adjustment 4.80
03/15/24 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 146 minutes 2.92
03/13/24 Plane of Tactics 1.90
03/10/24 Solusek Ro's Tower - 187 minutes 3.76
03/09/24 Sol Ro Time Adjustment 4.20
03/07/24 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 142 minutes 2.84
03/06/24 On Time Bonus - 103 minutes 2.06
03/04/24 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 160 minutes 3.22
03/03/24 On-Time Bonus - 43 minutes 0.88
02/29/24 Plane of Time - 211 minutes 4.22
02/29/24 PoTime Time Adjustment 3.00
02/28/24 On-Time Bonus - 68 minutes 1.36
02/26/24 Vex Thal - 169 minutes 3.38
02/25/24 Tactics Time Adjustment 2.10
02/24/24 Kael Time Adjustment 2.20
02/23/24 Vex Thal - 176 minutes 3.52
02/20/24 Seru Time Adjustment 2.70
02/18/24 On-Time Bonus - 272 minutes 5.44
02/17/24 On-Time Bonus - 78 minutes 1.58
02/16/24 Vex Thal - 162 minutes 3.24
02/14/24 Blood of Ssraeshza - 138 minutes 2.78
02/14/24 Add 40 min 1.00
02/10/24 Ssraeshza Temple - 97 minutes 1.96
02/09/24 Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve - 105 minutes 2.10
02/06/24 Ssra time adjust 3.60
02/04/24 Agnarr Adjustment 1.80
02/02/24 Ssraeshza Temple - 153 minutes 3.08
01/31/24 PoTime adjustment 1.74
01/28/24 Backflag adjustment 4.50
01/23/24 AD + HoH Time 3.60
01/21/24 PoWater time 3.26
01/20/24 Time spent 4.20
01/18/24 Time adjust 2.66
01/16/24 EverQuest - 154 minutes 3.10
01/14/24 Time spent 2.40
01/12/24 On-Time Bonus - 108 minutes 2.18
01/09/24 Backflag time 2.40
01/08/24 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 154 minutes 3.10
12/17/23   4.20
12/14/23 Manually created -- 195 minutes 3.90
12/11/23 Sanctus Seru - 153 minutes 3.08
12/08/23 Vex Thal - 196 minutes 3.92
12/06/23 On Time Bonus - 187 minutes 3.66
12/04/23 On Time Bonus - 109 minutes 2.18
12/01/23 Plane of Time - 141 minutes 2.82
11/29/23 EverQuest - 183 minutes 3.66
11/27/23 Ssraeshza Temple - 215 minutes 4.18
11/17/23 Plane of Time - 81 minutes 1.64
11/15/23 Plane of Time - 37 minutes 0.76
11/13/23 13th November 2023 - 114 minutes 2.28
11/06/23 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 84 minutes 1.70
11/04/23 On Time Bonus - 138 minutes 2.76
11/03/23 Plane of Time - 84 minutes 1.70
10/30/23 On Time Bonus - 123 minutes 2.48
10/20/23 Plane of Time - 142 minutes 2.84
10/17/23 On Time Bonus - 79 minutes 1.56
10/15/23 On Time Bonus - 109 minutes 2.20
10/13/23 On Time Bonus - 170 minutes 3.42
10/05/23 PoTime Adjusment 2.10
10/03/23 PoTime 90 Minutes 1.80
09/25/23 On Time Bonus - 83 minutes 1.66
09/22/23 Plane of Time - 197 minutes 3.94
09/20/23 Plane of Time - 77 minutes 1.54
09/17/23 Ssraeshza Temple - 127 minutes 2.56
09/15/23 On Time Bonus - 116 minutes 2.30
09/11/23 On Time Bonus - 111 minutes 2.24
09/08/23 On-Time Bonus - 19 minutes 0.38
09/07/23 Time 9/7/23 Adjustment 1.18
09/03/23 EverQuest - 79 minutes 1.60
09/01/23 EverQuest - 126 minutes 2.54
08/30/23 On Time Bonus - 109 minutes 2.20
08/28/23 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 153 minutes 3.06
08/25/23 Plane of Time - 152 minutes 3.06
08/23/23 Plane of Time - 140 minutes 2.80
08/21/23 On-Time Bonus - 153 minutes 3.06
08/11/23 On Time Bonus - 82 minutes 1.64
08/09/23 Plane of Time - 145 minutes 2.88
08/08/23 On Time Bonus - 152 minutes 3.06
08/06/23 On Time Bonus - 161 minutes 3.24
08/04/23 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 149 minutes 3.00
08/03/23 Plane of Time - 139 minutes 2.78
08/01/23 Vex Thal - 143 minutes 2.88
08/01/23 Plane of Time - 212 minutes 4.24
07/31/23 Vex Thal - 167 minutes 3.34
07/28/23 Plane of Time - 72 minutes 2.44
07/26/23 Plane of Innovation - 32 minutes 0.66
07/25/23 Plane of Time - 101 minutes 2.02
07/24/23 Sanctus Seru - 139 minutes 2.80
07/22/23 Vex Thal - 92 minutes 1.86
07/21/23 Vex Thal - 181 minutes 3.62
07/19/23 On Time Bonus - 54 minutes 1.08
07/17/23 On Time Bonus - 100 minutes 1.98
07/15/23 Ssraeshza Temple - 88 minutes 1.76
07/14/23 Plane of Time - 90 minutes 1.80
07/12/23 plane of time 1.64
07/10/23 On Time Bonus - 170 minutes 3.40
07/03/23 Reef of Coirnav - 85 minutes 1.72
06/30/23 Plane of Time - 99 minutes 1.98
06/28/23 Plane of Time - 163 minutes 3.26
06/23/23 On Time Bonus - 77 minutes 1.54
06/21/23 On Time Bonus - 127 minutes 2.54
06/19/23 Solusek Ro's Tower - 161 minutes 3.24
06/17/23 On Time Bonus - 129 minutes 2.60
06/16/23 On Time Bonus - 143 minutes 2.88
06/14/23 Plane of Time - 54 minutes 1.08
06/09/23 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 136 minutes 2.72
06/06/23 Plane of Tranquility - 112 minutes 2.26
06/04/23 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 106 minutes 2.12
06/03/23 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 125 minutes 2.52
06/03/23 Plane of Time - 79 Minutes 1.58
05/31/23 Plane of Time - 90 minutes 1.80
05/26/23 EverQuest - 106 minutes 2.10
05/24/23 On Time Bonus - 85 minutes 1.70
05/22/23 Kael Drakkal - 181 minutes 3.92
05/19/23 Plane of Time - 134 minutes 2.70
05/17/23 On Time Bonus - 163 minutes 3.28
05/15/23 On Time Bonus - 75 minutes 1.50
05/12/23 Temple of Marr - 99 minutes 1.98
05/09/23 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 156 minutes 3.14
05/08/23 On Time Bonus - 141 minutes 2.84
05/05/23 On Time Bonus - 97 minutes 1.96
05/03/23 On Time Bonus - 88 minutes 1.74
05/02/23 Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve - 123 minutes 2.48
04/29/23 Vex Thal - 163 minutes 3.26
04/27/23 Vex Thal - 147 minutes 2.96
04/26/23 On Time Bonus - 173 minutes 3.46
04/25/23 EverQuest - 63 minutes 1.26
04/24/23 Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve - 147 minutes 2.94
04/22/23 EverQuest - 110 minutes 2.22
04/20/23 Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve - 164 minutes 3.28
04/20/23 On Time Bonus - 167 minutes 3.36
04/19/23 On Time Bonus - 95 minutes 1.90
04/15/23 On Time Bonus - 112 minutes 2.24
04/14/23 On Time Bonus - 41 minutes 0.82
04/13/23 Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve - 93 minutes 1.86
04/11/23 Reef of Coirnav - 104 minutes 2.08
04/07/23 On Time Bonus - 106 minutes 2.14
04/05/23 Plane of Valor - 141 minutes 2.82
04/02/23 EverQuest - 129 minutes 2.56
03/31/23 On Time Bonus - 127 minutes 2.56
03/30/23 On Time Bonus - 112 minutes 2.26
03/28/23 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 159 minutes 3.20
03/24/23 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 118 minutes 2.36
03/23/23 On Time Bonus - 92 minutes 1.84
03/23/23 On Time Bonus - 73 minutes 1.46
03/22/23 Plane of Torment - 98 minutes 1.98
03/20/23 Ruins of Lxanvom - 169 minutes 3.38
03/15/23 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 100 minutes 2.00
03/15/23 EverQuest - 110 minutes 2.18
03/12/23 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 139 minutes 2.68
03/10/23 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 121 minutes 2.44
03/08/23 On Time Bonus - 117 minutes 2.36
03/05/23 Lair of Terris Thule - 127 minutes 2.56
03/05/23 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 151 minutes 3.04
03/02/23 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 97 minutes 1.94
03/01/23 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 122 minutes 2.46
03/01/23 On Time Bonus - 94 minutes 1.90
02/24/23 On Time Bonus - 105 minutes 2.10
02/22/23 Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind - 109 minutes 2.18
02/19/23 On Time Bonus - 89 minutes 1.78
02/14/23 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 218 minutes 4.36
02/11/23 Vex Thal - 134 minutes 2.68
02/10/23 Vex Thal - 161 minutes 3.22
02/08/23 Plane of Tranquility - 160 minutes 3.20
02/01/23 Vex Thal - 145 minutes 2.92
01/31/23 Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve - 121 minutes 2.42
01/27/23 Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve - 158 minutes 3.18
01/25/23 Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve - 104 minutes 2.08
01/22/23 Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve - 171 minutes 3.42
01/20/23 Ssraeshza Temple - 120 minutes 2.40
01/19/23 Ssraeshza Temple - 129 minutes 2.58
01/19/23 Ragrax, Stronghold of the Twelve - 147 minutes 2.94
01/17/23 Reef of Coirnav - 117 minutes 2.36
01/15/23 Sanctus Seru - 108 minutes 2.18
01/14/23 Kael Drakkal - 87 minutes 1.74
01/13/23 On Time Bonus - 97 minutes 1.94
01/11/23 Reef of Coirnav - 0 minutes 0.00
01/11/23 Reef of Coirnav - 77 minutes 1.56
01/06/23 On Time Bonus - 96 minutes 1.92
01/05/23 Kael Drakkal - 106 minutes 2.14
01/02/23 EverQuest - 74 minutes 1.46
01/02/23 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 120 minutes 2.40
01/02/23 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 217 minutes 4.34
12/28/22 On Time Bonus - 92 minutes 1.84
12/17/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 152 minutes 3.06
12/16/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 56 minutes 1.12
12/15/22 On Time Bonus - 69 minutes 1.40
12/14/22 On Time Bonus - 91 minutes 1.82
12/11/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 105 minutes 2.10
12/11/22 On Time Bonus - 57 minutes 1.14
12/09/22 On Time Bonus - 105 minutes 2.10
12/08/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 48 minutes 0.98
12/07/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 132 minutes 2.64
12/07/22 On Time Bonus - 98 minutes 1.94
12/05/22 On Time Bonus - 65 minutes 1.32
12/03/22 Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind - 80 minutes 1.60
12/02/22 Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind - 135 minutes 2.70
11/30/22 Solusek Ro's Tower - 171 minutes 3.42
11/30/22 On Time Bonus - 164 minutes 3.28
11/22/22 Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind - 133 minutes 2.66
11/19/22 EverQuest - 193 minutes 3.86
11/18/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 133 minutes 2.66
11/16/22 On Time Bonus - 103 minutes 2.06
11/14/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 224 minutes 4.50
11/12/22 Vex Thal - 203 minutes 4.04
11/11/22 The Maiden's Eye - 172 minutes 3.46
11/10/22 On Time Bonus - 92 minutes 1.84
11/08/22 On Time Bonus - 131 minutes 2.64
11/07/22 On Time Bonus - 99 minutes 1.98
11/04/22 Temple of Marr - 107 minutes 2.18
11/03/22 On Time Bonus - 118 minutes 2.38
11/02/22 On Time Bonus - 83 minutes 1.66
10/30/22 Torden, The Bastion of Thunder - 121 minutes 2.44
10/29/22 Plane of Valor - 169 minutes 3.38
10/28/22 On Time Bonus - 121 minutes 2.40
10/27/22 Ssraeshza Temple - 52 minutes 1.04
10/26/22 On Time Bonus - 118 minutes 2.36
10/25/22 Kael Drakkal - 69 minutes 1.38
10/22/22 On Time Bonus - 118 minutes 2.38
10/21/22 On Time Bonus - 86 minutes 1.72
10/19/22 Reef of Coirnav - 103 minutes 2.06
10/16/22 Reef of Coirnav - 90 minutes 1.80
10/14/22 Kael Drakkal - 60 minutes 1.22
10/13/22 Plane of Valor - 28 minutes 0.54
10/08/22 Lair of Terris Thule - 131 minutes 2.64
10/06/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 179 minutes 3.60
10/06/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 222 minutes 4.44
10/06/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 200 minutes 4.00
09/30/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 105 minutes 2.12
09/29/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 228 minutes 4.58
09/29/22 On Time Bonus - 139 minutes 2.76
09/27/22 On Time Bonus - 94 minutes 1.88
09/26/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 122 minutes 2.44
09/25/22 On Time Bonus - 142 minutes 2.86
09/22/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 55 minutes 1.10
09/22/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 98 minutes 1.98
09/21/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 126 minutes 2.52
09/16/22 On Time Bonus - 134 minutes 2.68
09/15/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 94 minutes 1.88
09/14/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 102 minutes 2.04
09/13/22 Solusek Ro's Tower - 55 minutes 1.12
09/09/22 Solusek Ro's Tower - 216 minutes 4.32
09/08/22 Solusek Ro's Tower - 147 minutes 2.96
09/06/22 On Time Bonus - 136 minutes 2.72
09/02/22 EverQuest - 122 minutes 2.44
08/31/22 Drunder, Fortress of Zek - 82 minutes 1.64
08/29/22 Temple of Marr - 64 minutes 1.28
08/23/22 EverQuest - 154 minutes 3.06
08/19/22 On Time Bonus - 125 minutes 2.50
08/18/22 Vex Thal - 128 minutes 2.56
08/17/22 On Time Bonus - 115 minutes 2.28
08/06/22 Ssraeshza Temple - 62 minutes 1.26
08/05/22 On Time Bonus - 105 minutes 2.12
08/03/22 On Time Bonus - 84 minutes 1.68
08/02/22 On Time Bonus - 121 minutes 2.42
08/01/22 Sanctus Seru - 103 minutes 2.06
07/30/22 Kael Drakkal - 69 minutes 1.38
07/29/22 On Time Bonus - 78 minutes 1.56
07/28/22 On Time Bonus - 38 minutes 0.74
07/27/22 Plane of Tranquility - 100 minutes 2.00
07/26/22 Torden, The Bastion of Thunder - 94 minutes 1.90
07/24/22 On Time Bonus - 112 minutes 2.00
07/23/22 EverQuest - 132 minutes 2.64
07/22/22 On Time Bonus - 98 minutes 1.96
07/21/22 On Time Bonus - 98 minutes 1.96
07/20/22 Plane of Disease - 123 minutes 2.46
07/15/22 On Time Bonus - 129 minutes 2.60
07/12/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 114 minutes 2.26
07/12/22 On Time Bonus - 51 minutes 1.00
07/07/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 164 minutes 3.30
07/03/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 184 minutes 3.64
07/01/22 On Time Bonus - 142 minutes 2.82
06/30/22 On Time Bonus - 139 minutes 2.78
06/29/22 On Time Bonus - 157 minutes 3.14
06/26/22 On Time Bonus - 130 minutes 2.60
06/26/22 EverQuest - 119 minutes 2.40
06/25/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 104 minutes 2.08
06/23/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 133 minutes 2.68
06/22/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 68 minutes 1.36
06/22/22 Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind - 180 minutes 3.62
06/18/22 On Time Bonus - PoA Dust Ring Attempt - 191 minutes 3.84
06/17/22 On Time Bonus - 171 minutes 3.42
06/15/22 Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind - 109 minutes 2.18
06/11/22 Solusek Ro's Tower - 243 minutes 4.86
06/10/22 Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind - 133 minutes 2.66
06/09/22 EverQuest - 149 minutes 2.98
06/08/22 Plane of Tranquility - 84 minutes 1.68
06/02/22 Vex Thal - 153 minutes 3.06
05/27/22 Vex Thal - 188 minutes 3.70
05/26/22 Vex Thal - 149 minutes 2.98
05/25/22 On Time Bonus - 134 minutes 2.68
05/21/22 Ssraeshza Temple - 139 minutes 2.78
05/18/22 EverQuest - 78 minutes 1.56
05/13/22 Ssraeshza Temple - 116 minutes 2.34
05/12/22 Ssraeshza Temple - 91 minutes 1.84
05/11/22 On Time Bonus - 96 minutes 1.92
05/10/22 Sanctus Seru - 89 minutes 1.78
05/06/22 On Time Bonus - 105 minutes 2.10
05/05/22 On Time Bonus - 123 minutes 2.46
05/01/22 Reef of Coirnav - 129 minutes 2.60
04/28/22 Kael Drakkal - 63 minutes 1.26
04/28/22 Reef of Coirnav - 124 minutes 2.50
04/24/22 On Time Bonus - 114 minutes 2.30
04/24/22 On Time Bonus - 118 minutes 2.38
04/19/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 196 minutes 3.92
04/19/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 111 minutes 2.22
04/16/22 Vegarlson, The Earthen Badlands - 182 minutes 3.62
04/16/22 On Time Bonus - 163 minutes 3.28
04/15/22 On Time Bonus - 134 minutes 2.70
04/11/22 On Time Bonus - 137 minutes 2.74
04/10/22 On Time Bonus - 171 minutes 3.42
04/09/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 117 minutes 2.34
04/09/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 106 minutes 2.14
04/08/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 180 minutes 3.60
04/07/22 Plane of Torment - 188 minutes 3.78
04/05/22 On Time Bonus - 121 minutes 2.44
04/05/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 170 minutes 3.40
04/03/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 204 minutes 4.08
04/01/22 Doomfire, The Burning Lands - 124 minutes 2.48
03/31/22 On Time Bonus - 203 minutes 4.08
03/31/22 On Time Bonus - 117 minutes 2.32
03/30/22 Solusek Ro's Tower - 211 minutes 4.22
03/30/22 EverQuest - 181 minutes 3.64
03/28/22 On Time Bonus - 97 minutes 1.92
03/28/22 On Time Bonus - 168 minutes 3.34
03/21/22 Plane of Torment - 164 minutes 3.28
03/20/22 EverQuest - 175 minutes 3.46
03/20/22 On Time Bonus - 92 minutes 1.84
03/15/22 Halls of Honor - 101 minutes 2.00
03/13/22 Plane of Torment - 125 minutes 2.46
03/11/22 EverQuest - 89 minutes 1.80
03/08/22 On Time Bonus - 93 minutes 1.84
03/06/22 Halls of Honor - 105 minutes 2.10
03/06/22 On Time Bonus - 65 minutes 1.30
03/01/22 On Time Bonus - 102 minutes 2.04
02/27/22 On Time Bonus - 93 minutes 1.84
02/22/22 Plane of Tranquility - 113 minutes 2.26
02/22/22 Plane of Valor - 160 minutes 3.20
02/17/22 EverQuest - 185 minutes 3.70
02/16/22 Plane of Innovation - 131 minutes 2.62
02/16/22 Lair of Terris Thule - 190 minutes 3.78
02/02/22 Ruins of Lxanvom - 199 minutes 3.98
02/02/22 On Time Bonus - 62 minutes 1.26
01/24/22 On Time Bonus - 66 minutes 1.32
... found 412 individual adjustment(s)

Attendance by Event
Event Percent